
Guest Speakers


Save the date: April 11th to 13th 2025

Whether you’re a first-timer or an old hand at the 100 mile distance, we encourage you to join us in the Black Mountains for an informative look at one of the country’s most scenic 100 milers. Group training runs — both day and night — will familiarise you with key sections of the course, and discussion sessions with trail running experts will help you get the most out of your Epona 100 experience.

The Epona 100 Run Camp is made up of three invaluable training runs on the Epona 100 course

Day 01

10 Miles

The overly excited kinda day. An evening shake out on the Epona 100 route.


Day 02

10 Miles

Some much needed course experience, ending up in the town of Crickhowell.


Day 03

10 Miles

The tired leg kinda day. More hills, more trails, more hills, more experience.


Sign up today and save…

With THREE invaluable training experiences on the actual Epona 100 course, this Run Camp is a great tool for getting the most out of your Epona 100 experience. Until September 1st 2024 we are offering a special discounted rate for our early bird Run Camp runners to sign up to the Epona 100. Sign up today for £250.00. After September 1st 2024 the price will go back to its usual cost of £300.00.

Run Camp Entry Fee

The entry fee for the Run Camp is an early bird special of £250.00 until September 1st 2024. After this date the cost will go up to £300.00. Included in your entry fee will be your accommodation for two nights, THREE guided trail runs, TWO talks / discussions with trail running experts and event team, shuttle buses, breakfast (Saturday & Sunday), lunch (Saturday), dinner (Friday & Saturday), expert guides, experienced, dedicated and bloody awesome crew members plus race organisers who have been working in the industry since 2012.

Sponsors of the Epona 100

Petzl logo
Bearhug logo

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